Concrete Jobs will join us at the Living Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January and is aimed at anyone interested in finding work or finding out about work in the Construction Industry.
Check our partners page to find out more. This Thursday 15th August from 12.30pm to 3.00pm, Brent Foodbank will be hosting a Health and Wellbeing Event at the Neasden Centre. Brent Health Matters will be running the event and providing blood pressure checks, blood sugar tests and mental health support.
Yesterday afternoon the LGBTQ+ Network invited all staff to attend the event to raise the Progress Pride flag for Pride Month 2024. It took place at the Paul Daisley Gardens at the Civic Centre, Brent Hubs was present to show our support and celebrate with the LGBTQ+ staff network. After the flag raising we enjoyed a delicious cake!
Last Sunday, Brent Hubs was present at the Women’s Health event for Portuguese speakers. Together with the Public Health team and the Community Engagement Team, engaged with the Portuguese speakers community focusing on presenting our services to them. The event was held at Harlesden library where we had many speakers educating us about woman’s health and the support available. We also had delicious Brazilian food and samba!Brent Museum and Archives are running an Autism Awareness morning for families with children 3-15 years old with autism. Events like this are great for increasing accessibility and inclusion to council services. Tickets are required and can be booked at Autism-Friendly morning Tickets, Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite
Sufra, our foodbank partner are running their annual Winter Coat Drive! Please wash items before donating, and do not donate any items that have tears, stains or holes. You can drop off coats to the main Sufra building at 160 Pitfield Way, NW10 0PW between Monday – Friday, 10.00 – 17.00. Brent Hubs was present engaging with the Brazilian Community at the Brent Brazilian Community Day. It was a lovely sunny day, we had live music, delicious food, football, and lots of fun activities for the children. Together with Brent Health Matters and the Community Engagement Team, we were engaging with the community and our focus was to present our services to them.